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Ohio National Seguros da Vida, S.A.

The Latin American business markets individual, group and credit life insurance products through subsidiaries in Chile and Peru and a strategic partnership in Brazil.

With a well-diversified product portfolio across annuity, group life, individual life, bancassurance and SIS government survivorship and disability pension program and broad distribution footprint, Ohio National Seguros de Vida is a regional leader in the life and annuity markets.

Ohio National Seguros de Vida S.A.Chile is based in Santiago and present in Chile for 30 years, with US $3.3 billion in local assets. It distributes life insurance and annuity products across Chile through more than 650 independent insurance professionals. The company currently serves and protects more than 55,000 individual clients from financial risk along with nearly two million group member clients.

Visit website: Chile

Ohio National Seguros de VidaPeru, based in Lima, specializes in individual life products for the country’s growing middle class. ONSV-Peru currently insures approximately 3.6 million lives and has more than $135 million in assets under management.

Visit website: Peru

Centauro-ON is a strategic partnership in Brazil which offers group life, individual life and endowment products. A nationally trusted name in financial services, this joint venture has served the people of Brazil since 2014.

Visit website: Brazil


Fitch: AA

Chile Ratings

as of 12/31/2023
ICR is a Moody’s Chile affiliate


Market rank,
Chile and Peru

as of 6/30/2024


GAAP Equity

inclusive of Zurich acquisition as of 9/30/2024


in reserves

inclusive of Zurich acquisition as of 9/30/2024

Premium by product1

Individual life insurance
Annuity premiums and charges
Group life and health insurance premiums
1 Ohio National Foreign Holdings USGAAP premium as of 9/30/2024, premium and charges inclusive of Zurich transaction

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One Financial Way Cincinnati, Ohio 45242 | 800.366.6654